A practical guide to bird watching in Sonoma County, California

(Unless otherwise indicated, all phone numbers are in the 707 area code)

 A practical guide to bird watching in Sonoma County, California
(Unless otherwise indicated, all phone numbers are in the 707 area code)SCBWS_front_page.html

© Colin Talcroft, 2009, 2010, 201, 2012, 2013. All rights reserved.

Unless noted, all photos by the author. If you would like to use one of my images, please ask for permission for non-commercial use with proper credit or commercial use with proper compensation.


Bird, birds, bird watching, Binoculars, Sonoma, Sonoma County, species, Bodega, Bodega Bay, Santa Rosa, Sebastopol, Windsor, Calistoga, Petaluma, woods, marsh, tidal mud flats, California, Northern California, North Bay, Bay Area, coast, ocean, Pacific ocean, whale watching, migration

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Birds of Sonoma County note cards

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